Connecting you for human rights change.

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We believe that everyone can create social change. Our mission is to make this fight for human rights for everyone accessible, easy and effective! 


Our vision is a world that is connected to protect everyone’s human rights. 


HeartB Foundation’s newest project is the Human Rights Dialogues. In online events we bring people together for solutions and actions of human rights issues.

For more information:


Join our fight for human rights and create:

Unite with different people for the same goal; social change
Show the world the real issues with personal stories via videos and photo’s.
Power to the people
Anyone can raise their voice for social change on HeartB. And local people decide about the best solutions.
Discuss solutions for specific issues in a structured way.
Support Actions
Support others financially, mentally or emotionally by donations, ideas or sharing their stories.



users who desire change

User first

We listen to your needs


Bridging differences for change


of our financials and activities

Want to help? Support us financially so we can make more impact!
HeartB is a foundation and our work is possible because of funding, donations, volunteers and pro-bono support. All money, donations and funds will be used responsibly and insure that we can grow and help more people. Wages of HeartB will be fair for our people and fair for our donors, so not outrageous. You can find our financial report in the footer. Next to that, Stichting HeartB aims to be more sustainable by social enterprise HeartBusiness. Workshops similar to the human rights dialogues, but then for business issues. For more information, go to:
Slechte huizenmarkt Nederland
Huren zijn nog nooit zo hoog geweest. Een huis kopen is voor velen een droom die waarschijnlijk p…
Power cuts
I live in Mar Mikhail and we as others are experiencing frequent power cuts. What makes us dif…
Crisis in the Lebanese Food Sector
Before the October revolution, the pandemic and the Beirut explosion, 1$ was worth 1,500 LBP. Thi…


Anyone facing a human rights issue

Change actions


Anyone supporting a human rights issue that other people are facing

Support actions

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