Register yourself on HeartB
Discover all the issues on our platform
and discuss solutions and infoposts
we encourage you to enlist your own issues
Welcome new HeartB user! To start with HeartB, let us first create an account, or login if you already have an existing account. Both will open in a new tab, so after registration of logging in, you can easily get back to this page.
Discover issues on HeartB by navigating to the issues overview page. Each of the issues you see on HeartB is created by another HeartB user who is experiencing that issue. Each issue on HeartB deals with one or more human rights.
Do you see an issue you are experiencing? Become a changemaker! Press in the issue on “I experience this issue”
Do you want to support a specific issue? Become a changesupporter! Press in the issue on “I support this issue”
You can now add to the discussion and reply to infoposts! Changemakers can also vote for the solutions that best fit the issue they experience and upload infoposts to tell the world about what is the actual problem.
Are you experiencing another issue? Remember that any member of HeartB can create an issue and start the conversation about their human rights. By sharing your or other people’s issues on other social media platforms we work together to solutions and awareness for social change!