Crisis in the Lebanese Food Sector
Before the October revolution, the pandemic and the Beirut explosion, 1$ was worth 1,500 LBP. Things were seemingly well in Lebanon. People were able to meet their basic needs and feed their families. People are now buying their day-by-day necessities depending on their financial capabilities. Food prices have increased by 395% in 2021 due to price inflation and USD-LBP crisis (1$=17,000LBP) Back in 2019 - prior to the revolution, it would cost a family of 4 an average of 120,000 LBP (80$ based on the 1,500 rate) to buy the following necessities: Rice, sugar, oil, pasta, cheese, meat, pulses, milk and babymilk It now costs an average of 780,000 LBP (45$) to buy these necessities. We are now seeing people resorting to theft, or eating from the garbage just to get through the day.
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Lebanon needs to increase and depend on its local production
Most of the products' prices are increasing relatively to the increase of inflation or devaluation of the Lebanese pound. This is due to Lebanon's extremely high dependence on importing foreign products, as the country's local production is very low. By producing in Lebanon, we will not be importing products in USD anymore which is becoming expensive compared to the LBP, but we will be paying in our own currency.
I think you have a point, not just for the inflation, but also to develop a more stable and independent econonmy.
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Power cuts
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