We need more green spaces in Beirut
Air pollution is very high in Beirut, causing lung cancer for the Lebanese population. In addition to that, there are no public areas for people to hang out in the city. Thus, creating more green spaces is an essential solution to these two issues.
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Total changesupporters: 4
Total changemakers: 7

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The government should not allow new buildings
alae sadek
This so we can keep more space for green spaces and playgrounds for kids.
alae sadek
More green spaces and playgrounds will also limit traffic, because people will have these spaces more close to their houses. And kids can go alone and don't need their parents.
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Privately Fund the Public Green Areas/ Public Gardens
Since the government won't fund it, I think it would be wise to create a petition for the public to sign, and then ask NGOs to fund this project, or foreign investors. Keeping in mind that this garden will be of free access to everyone. So maybe, we can add special features to monetize it in order to sustain and maintain it.  
I think foreign governments and NGOs would help us with this environmental  project since climate change is a major issue now.
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Even with the money from NGOs, we still need the government's permission to change the city's plan and structure. However, I believe that this is still possible with time.
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Convince the government to plant more trees
Green areas can be created by planting trees in empty spaces, in addition to placing chairs for people to assemble and enjoy their time together.
I totally agree. So maybe you mean public gardens. People can sit there and take their kids to a free park with greenery, especially those who can't afford paid parks.
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We already have public gardens in Lebanon that are closed and neglected by the government. I don't think that the government will fund a public garden at this point. It doesn't even maintain the existing ones.
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