Gas Crisis in Lebanon
Lebanon is going through a crisis where there is a shortage of fuel. People lined up in queues for more than a hour only yo be able to fill a quarter of their cars' tanks. This has caused huge traffic in the streets of Beirut and other Lebanese cities and towns, which leads people to fight over gas and takes them a lot of time to reach their destination. In addition to that, there is an increase in the price of fuel, while having no reliable public transportation in the country
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Total changesupporters: 7
Total changemakers: 12

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Here you can discuss solutions for social change of this issue! People experiencing the issue, changemakers, can vote for solutions and polls. This is because, they are the ones to decide which solutions fit their circumstances best. The first three solutions are seen as most important by the changemakers.
Do a proper research to the causes of the lack of gasoline
The whole world takes their gasoline from the Middle-East, so why does Lebanon, a country in the Middle-East, have a lack of gasoline? A research to the causes can help create better solutions.
The research is already there. The lack of a hard currency (namely the $), combined with the legal requirement that fuel has to be subsidized when importers are waiting for dues from the government. If the government is unable to subsidize fuel, then it should come out clean and remove the subsidies altogether, that way fuel will be available again, even if at a higher price. Then, it's the demand for fuel that has to be curbed. For a small nation, the demand for fuel is enormous in Lebanon due to lack of public transportation and safe bike lanes.
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Using other forms of transportation
There has always been traffic in Lebanon, especially in cities like Beirut. Since it is now very challenging and expensive to fill cars with fuel, people who are going to a nearby space can start walking or using a shared taxi (service). I have also noticed some people riding bicycles lately, although it is not very safe in Beirut. As for people going to from a city to another, they can also use the public bus. I recently took bus number 14 from mar Mikhail to Cola.
It requires a big compromise on the part of consumers who used to be "middle class" (they will have to let go of their beloved Grand Cherokee) but this problem is so entangled that it requires action from both government and people alike. Riding bikes should be a trend in Lebanon and elsewhere. The world is already moving in that direction, now it's the "shame factor" that has to be solved.
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I want to use my car. I don't wanna go by bus  
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Solutions for Gas Crisis
Here are some temporary and some permanent solutions to this issue: -Peacefully protest for your rights. -Companies encourage carpooling or having a taxi company pick up employees that live in the same city and drop them off to work. -Companies who can work remotely switch to remote working again - if not, increase the amount of transportation that is allocated to employees as the prices have increased. -Encourage the government to improve the public transportation system so it becomes reliable and everyone feels safe using it. -Support "Service" drivers - they are like taxi drivers, but under the name of the government and usually offer cheap rides up to 4,000 LBP. This way you will be supporting a man helping his family as well. -Carpool wherever you need to go. These may not be solutions for the government or fix the situation as a whole, but they can at least make it a bit easier on all of us.

When HeartB has enough solutions for an issue, we will place a poll to vote on the best possible solutions here.

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